“It’s a message to everyone in this beautiful land we all call home, that they would feel hope rise in them every time they hear “Khaya Lami”.
Nipho and Sophiatown, an internationally recognized African/Jazz/Pop/Dance band based in Cape Town, South Africa return with a poignant single “Khaya Lami” (My Home) for the up and coming album “The Sound of a People” which will be released in Nov 23.
Nipho says – “In many ways I felt the country had lost its soul, its spirit, and identity as a beacon of hope to the world. South Africa has become synonymous with reconciliation to the world and I felt that I wanted to write and communicate through song a sound and a feeling that could possibly contend, fight for and resurrect that idea back to life!”
Nipho teamed up with the Hilton College Choir for this single as a way of doing a service to a younger generation of artists who I hope go on to impact and engage South African society in positive ways.

“ Nipho adds – “I often think about the next generation of artists. As a now 33-year-old artist and a decade in the industry, these days I tend to be more reflective and sober-minded about the future than when I was as a younger artist in my 20s. Having been to a boy’s school myself there’s a comradery (which you miss when you leave) that I felt in that environment which I believe is sorely missed in our society today! I wanted to take a “snapshot” of that winsome approach and carry through a feeling of unity and togetherness for the everyday South African.”

My hope and dream through this song is that those that are hard-pressed on every side will not feel crushed. Those who are lost in confusion would not drown in an ocean of despair. Those who are persecuted, broken, and abused would know they’re not alone and abandoned.
It’s a message to everyone in this beautiful land we all call home, that they would feel hope rise in them every time they hear “Khaya Lami”.
The band was founded by Nipho Mkhize in 2018 who serves both as the founder,front man and executive producer. The band pays homage to the legendary black cultural hub of Sophiatown which was started in a township outside Johannesburg in 1904 that was later demolished in 1955 under the apartheid regime and is now known as Triomf. As a band our vision is to preserve a South African musical identity and heritage by recreating the inclusive musical atmosphere that was enjoyed by many people who were in that space (Sophiatown) of different races while also celebrating it and exporting its essence to the world. Our sound is a fusion of past South Africa greats such as Hugh Masekela, Lucky Dube, Miriam Makheba and many more with modern-day, cutting-edge, musical trends that can resonate with the current generation.
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